Thunderbird Documentary - Your views

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Thunderbird Documentary - Your views

Post by takeone » Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:37 am

I am in some initial concepts of producing a 1 hour documentary on the team's 60th anniversary. Have no idea if it would come to fruition...but I'm working with the Documentary Channel on it. It would be a 6 month shooting project. Beginning with the last show of the season at Aviation Nation...and ending in late April 2013.

So, from YOUR perspective...what would you like to see? Many docs have been produced in the past. I would like this one to be unique.

First, we have the capability to put HD cameras in places that have NEVER been seen in a performance before AND we can put MANY cameras in those positions on the planes.

Secondly, I want to show the stress and strain that the teams support staff goes through to prepare for each show.

So many shows are just about the pilots. We won't miss that...but I want to show the studying and hard work both pilots and enlisted members go through.

Your suggestions and thoughts will be helpful!
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Post by Lawndart » Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:09 pm

While I appreciate showcasing the efforts of the enlisted this wouldn't be unique in the form of a production/documentary. The focus of America's Team - Being a US Air Force Thunderbird from 2006 focused much of its attention on the work behind the scenes, and that's just in recent memory.

In-flight footage and hearing the pilots talk flying and hearing about the team's traditions is what interests me and I'd like to think many likeminded would agree. I don't go to air shows to watch the ground show or wonder how much effort it took from the 120-something enlisted members to make it all happen. I respect what they do immensely and it's simply amazing to think about the coordination it takes, but if I was a kid wanting to join the Air Force I'd want more footage of the airplanes and the heroes representing the rest of the squad, a pilot's perspective and learning about the history and people that made the Thunderbirds a unique squadron in the Air Force.

That has also been done before, but the difference in my opinion is it doesn't get old, especially when it's done in high quality with HD footage!

So, mount those GoPro wide-angle lenses all over the jets and get the pilots talking about what they _really_ want to talk about; flying!

Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think anyone watching a documentary about the Stanley Cup Champions would want the focus to be on the waterboy in a featutre about the winning team. Even if he's invaluable to the team, I don't tune in to see anything but the "rockstars" and get to know them and how they're humble people and learn what made them passionate about hockey (in this case aviation) and hearing them talk about their roles and training.

Sorry to be so blunt, but I'd like to think we're aviation fans at heart and I think the kids on the flightline (America's future airmen) would want to see more flying and not have the focus be on "how it's not about the flying"... because it really is! ;)

Very interesting and exciting project though. Many of us are hoping to make it to Aviation Nation this year as well. Would be great if this comes together and I'd be happy to suggest some in-flight footage ideas later for shots that would make this truly unique!

My opinions are just my own and don't necessarily reflect that of my team mates. As an air show and aviation fan it's all about the flying to me and valuing the rich history and people who support the team. Each new Thunderbird team inherits this legacy and it would be nice to see the team talk about this as they approach their 60th anniversary. (The latter is something that's arguably gotten lost a little in recent years...).
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Post by takeone » Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:48 pm


Thanks for the insight and suggestions. Just what I'm looking for. I hope others chime in too. While I agree with much of what you have to realize in the world of broadcast TV today...the 'sale' is based on reality-esque programming.

I'm all about the flying too...and have seen the 2006 documentary. But channels today are wanting us to put in 'characters' into the show. Hence the thoughts of the enlisted personnel. They want the angst and drama...of something almost NOT succeeding...then the golden ring achieved!

As for the team...

It's all been done before...I just want to provide some different viewpoints than before. PLUS put HD cameras where they have NEVER been before. We have to work with GoPro and Lockheed Martin to find a easy mounting solutions for the cameras to withstand 460mph PLUS...not including the sneak pass!!!

Anyhow...hope others talk about what turns them on...and why they would watch a show like this!

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Post by Grab » Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:37 pm

I would like to see a Thunderbids equivalent to Blue Angels: A Year in the Life.
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Post by Lawndart » Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:24 pm

Grab wrote:I would like to see a Thunderbids equivalent to Blue Angels: A Year in the Life.
Couldn't agree more, that's one of the best!
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Post by Lawndart » Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:58 am

takeone wrote:But channels today are wanting us to put in 'characters' into the show. Hence the thoughts of the enlisted personnel. They want the angst and drama...of something almost NOT succeeding...then the golden ring achieved!
You could follow an enlisted member through their "21-Day Program":

Wearing the patch: The patch is the heart and soul of the Thunderbirds

"Every new team member begins their Thunderbirds assignment in the “21-Day Program,” a rigorous orientation and training period. In those first three weeks, new members learn about life as a Thunderbird, the team’s long and detailed history, its heritage, mission, and squadron-specific policies. Newly assigned personnel are also charged with personally meeting every other team member, in order to learn the diverse backgrounds and job specialties that make up the Thunderbirds.

The program culminates in an oral exam where they are tested by their fellow Airmen on anything and everything related to the Thunderbirds. Once they complete the final test, the squadron commander rewards them with the Thunderbirds patch in a private ceremony attended only by current team members."

A parallel storyline could be following one of the new/incoming pilots through their training season (Nov-March). For the 2013 season the following officers will be new Thunderbird pilots:

No. 2 Left Wing
No. 4 Slot
No. 6 (Right Solo) - The current Opposing Solo will become No. 5 (Left Solo)

I think following one enlisted member and one officer (new pilot) through their rigorous training to become patched and get their number "painted" on their jet, respectively, could be a good story line for a reality infused documentary.

Out of the new incoming pilots, No. 6 has the most on his plate, while No. 4 arguably has the best view in the house in the formation (for mounting cameras in every direction possible).

Btw, you'd have to ensure the GoPros and mounts can sustain up to 460 knots (530 mph), and like you said, be aware that No. 6 next season (from the beginning of training season starting this November) is the Solo who will be flying the sneak passes (Mach .94).

Hopefully this info helps!
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