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Join the 2009 Virtual Thunderbirds

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:55 pm
by Lawndart
Announcing Tryouts

The Virtual Thunderbirds are looking for a few skilled and dedicated team players to join the squad. The opportunity for being selected to the team has probably never been better than right now, as we're looking to fill multiple positions ranging from (potentially flying) the demo team, as well as supporting roles and pilot positions. To tryout NOW for the Virtual Thunderbirds, submit your app by following these instructions:

Becoming a Virtual Thunderbird


New Lineup

2009 has been a rough year for us, probably the toughest year we've had in our five years of flying the friendly skies. The team was essentially grounded for the first five months of the year after several of our pilots suffered drastic life changes including work, real world training events, car accidents, health complications and family issues. As they say, real life happens! To top things off, both our former Leader, Rock, and Slot pilot, Burner, decided to part ways and leave the team late spring, which left us without a No. 1 and No. 4 while everyone else was just starting to get their lives back in order again. Since early summer, we've not only rebuilt the core of the team, but also finished up all the changes for the 2009 air demonstration and its documentation to fly the show even faster, tighter and more precise than we've ever done before. While some of our members remain in their previous positions the most noticeable change is a new Leader, Lead Solo and Opposing Solo.

For the second time, but first time in almost four years, I (Lawndart) will take over as the new Commander / Leader of the team. Although I'm already familiar with the demo and have been flying the new show profile for the past couple of months, things couldn't be more different than the first time I led this team in 2005. Back then we pioneered almost everything we did. There were no blueprints to follow, no collection of all training materials that we have today, and the technology available was not as advanced. Today, our show is very tightly choreographed with an extensive library of SOPs and training has become very streamlined, while at the same time many of the short comings in the sim have been addressed through patches, faster computers and graphics as well as broadband. In the end, it allows us to train, fly and perform a much faster, tighter and precise show than before and that's what I intend to do for my seconds tenure as the Leader. Let's not forget, the team is also getting a Solo pilot as their Leader...

On that note, I'm peeling off my No. 5 and handing it over to Whack. He's now "the only man with a license to come up initial up-side-down with smoke coming out the back of his plane... showing off bigger than Dallas!" ...which just happens to be where he lives! I'd also like to introduce Panther as our new No. 6. She has been flying my old profile as Right Solo in for the past few months and I'm happy to say, will continue a great tradition started five years ago, of having exceptional Solo pilots on the team. She's also our first female pilot to officially join the demo team.

Our 2009 Virtual Thunderbirds roster has been updated, but we are still seeking new pilots for this season and onward, and I'd like to invite anyone interested in joining to tryout for the team.

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:41 pm
by Blaze
Awesome! Congratulations to you, Whack, and Panther for your new #'s, and good luck to anyone who wishes to try out, this is an opportunity that you won't want to miss. ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:36 pm
by Tailhook
Great news! 8)

Any chance of a projected date to get the phantom back up? :)

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:40 pm
by Blaze
Tailhook wrote:Any chance of a projected date to get the phantom back up?
Look here: Phantom Server Still Active?