VRA has moved to new Ventrilo/Phantom server

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VRA has moved to new Ventrilo/Phantom server

Post by RED3|madmax » Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:38 pm

Hi Folks,

First off the VRA has moved to a new Ventrilo server with better sound quality.

Hostname: uk.ventriloservers.biz
Port: 3848

I've changed the mission file on the VRA Phantom server so you can select any of these planes below:

10 x Su-27
9 x Mig-29
1 x Su-33
3 x Su-30
1 x c-130
8 x f15
8 x a10

New phantom with looping tracks coming soon!

Take care & merry xmas!

Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:47 pm
Location: Bonnie Scotland

Post by RED3|madmax » Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:38 pm

Hi folks,

I've had a lazy day just doing scripts.

Just finished testing it and the phantom is running with looping tracks now!!!!!!

First track is the touch and go track which was on last week for a bit.

Second track is the show track which has been running for the past few months.

After the second track ends it goes back to the first.

The second show track will be changing once we have decided on the new 2009 show.

Still a bit of tweaking to do it but it's working. Should be up and running live tonight or on Sunday.

You can fly any plane in this phantom just scroll down when selecting the plane number. The first 10 are all su-27's. If flying the su-27 best downloading the BAE hawk mod which is made by Shaggy and Crow.

Virtual Red Arrows


I don't mind sharing my work so here's the scripts for the new phantom with looping tracks. Remember these scripts are for autohotkey program (it's a free program just type autohotkey in google).
This script below is totally automated, I've got the script in the startup of windows so all I have to do is switch the computer on and it starts by connecting to ventrilo and putting my current IP in the comments then goes on from there.This is still work in progress and will ony get better.
This script is custom to my setup but it gives you a rough idea.

So, if anybody out there is wondering how to get a phantom to loop tracks here it is -

sleep, 12000 ;Wait on widows booting

;**************start Ventrilo*******************

run C:\Program Files\Ventrilo\Ventrilo.exe
sleep, 2000 ;wait on ventrilo starting
click 268,97 ;click binding drop down
sleep, 1000 ;wait 1 sec
click 90,128 ;select 231208 bind
sleep, 1000 ;wait 1 sec
click 137,121 ;click connect toolbar
sleep, 1000 ;wait 1 sec

;**************Get WAN IP*******************

Clipboard = %MyExternalIP%
sleep, 6000 ;sleep 6 seconds
click 162,118 ;Click comment toolbar on vent
sleep, 2000 ;sleep 2 seconds
Send, ^v{Enter} ;paste to ventrilo comment
sleep, 2000 ;wait 2 sec

;**************start lockon*******************

click 349,126 ;Start lockon
click 2 ;double click icon
SLEEP, 30000 ;wait 30secs
CLICK 34,386 ;click NTW button
SLEEP, 4000 ;wait 4sec
CLICK 616,158 ;click server button
SLEEP, 2000 ;wait 2sec
CLICK 705,556 ;click start button
SLEEP, 3000 ;wait 3sec
click 589,283 ;select mission file - 231208
sleep, 2000 ;wait 2sec
click 2 ;double click mission file
SLEEP, 3000 ;wait 3sec
CLICK 208,86 ;click join button
SLEEP, 2000 ;wait 2sec
CLICK 543,549 ;click ok button
SLEEP, 2000 ;wait 2sec
CLICK 120,401 ;click pilot position
SLEEP, 2000 ;Wait 2 sec
CLICK 554,551 ;click ok button
SLEEP, 2000 ;wait 1sec
CLICK 409,40 ;click fly button
SLEEP, 27000 ;wait 27sec - give prog time to start
SEND s ;start game server - using lowercase s
SLEEP,2000 ;wait 2seconds as ventrilo is 2 seconds fast
SEND {ESC} ;send ESC keypress to quit menu
SLEEP, 2000 ;wait 2 sec
SEND Q ;send q keypress to quit mission
SLEEP, 3000 ;wait 3 sec
click 781,10 ;close multiplayer top right x
SLEEP 2000 ;SLEEP 2secs

;**************lockon started ready for phantom play***********************
;Bring up lockon window
#winactivateforce ;force window active
winrestore, LOCK ON ;restore LockOn window
WINACTIVATE LOCK ON ;activate LockOn window
SLEEP, 2000 ;wait 2secs
CLICK 34,386 ;click NTW button
SLEEP, 4000 ;wait 4sec
CLICK 616,158 ;click server button
SLEEP, 3000 ;wait 3sec
CLICK 705,556 ;click start button
SLEEP, 3000 ;wait 3sec
click 589,283 ;select mission file - 231208
sleep, 3000 ;wait 3sec
click 2 ;double click mission file
SLEEP, 3000 ;wait 3sec
CLICK 208,86 ;click join button
SLEEP, 3000 ;wait 3sec
CLICK 543,549 ;click ok button
SLEEP, 2000 ;wait 2sec
CLICK 120,401 ;click pilot position
SLEEP, 2000 ;Wait 2 sec
CLICK 554,551 ;click ok button
SLEEP, 2000 ;wait 1sec
;**************Start the loop**************************
LOOP ;start loop
;**************open 231208 recording*******************
#winactivateforce ;force window active
winrestore, Record / Playback ;restore Playback open window
WINACTIVATE Record / Playback ;activate Playback open window
sleep, 2000 ;wait 4secs
click 129,389 ;open on vent recording
sleep 2000 ;wait 1 sec
send 231208 ;select recording file 231208
sleep 3000 ;wait 3 sec
send {Enter} ;open recording
sleep 4000 ;wait 4secs
;******Select Phantom track 231208.phtrk*********
run C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\PhantomControl.exe ;load phantom control
sleep, 2000 ;wait 2secs
send 231208.phtrk ;type 231208.phtrk into phantom control
sleep, 2000 ;wait 2secs
click 294,247 ;click use button on phantom control
sleep 2000 ;wait 2secs
WINCLOSE Phantom Control 0.4a by WR=210=Vladimir ahk_class TForm1 ;close phantom control
SLEEP 2000 ;wait 2 secs
;**************start 231208 track*********************
;Bring up lockon window
#winactivateforce ;force window active
winrestore, LOCK ON ;restore LockOn window
WINACTIVATE LOCK ON ;activate LockOn window
CLICK 409,40 ;click fly button
SLEEP, 17000 ;wait 17sec - give prog time to start
SEND s ;start game server - using lowercase s
SLEEP,2000 ;wait 2seconds as ventrilo is 2 seconds fast
SEND d ;start ventrilo playback
;sleep, 1620000
sleep 180000
SEND {ESC} ;send ESC keypress to quit menu
SLEEP, 2000 ;wait 2 sec
SEND Q ;send q keypress to quit mission
SLEEP, 2000 ;wait 2 sec
#winactivateforce ;force window active
winrestore, LOCK ON ;restore LockOn window
WINACTIVATE LOCK ON ;activate LockOn window
sleep, 4000 ;wait 4secs
;**************start VRA9ship track********************
SEND 6 ;switch binding to VRA9ship in ventrilo

;******Select Phantom track VRA95hip.phtrk*********
run C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\PhantomControl.exe ;load phantom control
sleep, 2000 ;wait 2secs
send VRA95hip.phtrk ;type VRA95hip.phtrk into phantom control
sleep, 2000 ;wait 2secs
click 294,247 ;click use button on phantom control
sleep 2000 ;wait 2secs
WINCLOSE Phantom Control 0.4a by WR=210=Vladimir ahk_class TForm1 ;close phantom control
SLEEP 2000 ;wait 2 secs

;**************open VRA9ship recording*******************
#winactivateforce ;force window active
winrestore, Record / Playback ;restore Playback open window
WINACTIVATE Record / Playback ;activate Playback open window
sleep, 2000 ;wait 4secs
click 129,389 ;open on vent recording
sleep 2000 ;wait 1 sec
send VRA95hip ;select recording file vra95hip Had to change the s to 5 as it causes Vent to play early
sleep 3000 ;wait 3000 sec
send {Enter} ;open recording
sleep 4000 ;wait 4secs
;**************start vra9ship track*********************
;Bring up lockon window
#winactivateforce ;force window active
winrestore, LOCK ON ;restore LockOn window
WINACTIVATE LOCK ON ;activate LockOn window
CLICK 409,40 ;click fly button
SLEEP, 15000 ;wait 15sec - give prog time to start
SEND s ;start game server - using lowercase s
sleep, 162000 ;2m40s - stop at runway
run sndrec32.exe /play "c:\trk1.wav" ;Play "cleared to taxi to runway" (2sec)
sleep, 3300
click 262,11
sleep, 88700 ;4m22 - After 'Reds Rally'
run sndrec32.exe /play "c:\trk2.wav" ;Play "cleared for takeoff" (1sec)
sleep, 3020
click 262,11
sleep, 14980 ;4m34 - After 'Reds Rally'
run sndrec32.exe /play "c:\battle.wav" ;Play "battle" (26sec)
sleep, 28100
click 262,11
sleep, 1852900 ;35m51s - After 'OnFinal'
run sndrec32.exe /play "c:\trk3.wav" ;Play "cleared all the way in" (3sec)
sleep, 4790
click 262,11
sleep, 3210 ;35m58s - on glide
run sndrec32.exe /play "c:\trk4.wav" ;Play "on glide path" (1sec)
sleep, 2060
click 262,11
sleep, 136940 ;38m28s - End
run sndrec32.exe /play "c:\trk5.wav" ;Play "welcome back" (3sec)
sleep, 5180
;sleep, 3180
click 262,11
sleep, 9000
SEND {ESC} ;send ESC keypress to quit menu
SLEEP, 2000 ;wait 2 sec
SEND Q ;send q keypress to quit mission
SLEEP, 2000 ;wait 2 sec
;RUN WMPLAYER.EXE "C:\25 - It's A Long Way To Tipperary.mp3" ;play music track on windows media player
;SLEEP, 30000 ;wait 30 secs for audio file
;WINCLOSE Windows Media Player ;close media player
;sleep, 3000 ;wait 3sec
#winactivateforce ;force window active
winrestore, LOCK ON ;restore LockOn window
WINACTIVATE LOCK ON ;activate LockOn window
sleep, 2000 ;wait 2secs
SEND 6 ;switch binding to 231208 in ventrilo

} ;loop back to start
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