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Post by Ells » Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:54 pm

From your friends over here in the UK and Europe. We will always remember your suffering, pain and anger on that nightmare day.

The memories of the fallen shall always be remembered on 9/11 and 7/7. We stand united against terror!

Best wishes to all my American friends,
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Post by Gunner » Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:10 pm

Thank you Ells, I don't think anyone will forget what they were doing that morning or how it has changed our lives.
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Post by Lawndart » Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:14 pm

I just put new registration stickers on our cars and they read "9-11" (expiration mo-yr)... Quite the coincidence! I'm also flying coast to coast tomorrow morning, so I'll surely remember the day as I'll be airborne on a transcon.

Never forget. Let's roll!
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Post by Teej » Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:05 pm

Gunner wrote:Thank you Ells, I don't think anyone will forget what they were doing that morning or how it has changed our lives.
I know a guy who was _in_ the Pentagon just around the corner when it got hit.

I myself was just across Arlington cemetary to the North. When they announced the Pgon was hit...my eyes went wide and I went to look out the hotel window with a "NFW" expression on my face.
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Post by Lawndart » Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:39 pm

I was a fresh CFI and had just sent one of my private students out on his first "unsupervised" solo. I drove home from the flight school, and just as I walked in the door, one of my best friends from the other side of the pond called and told me to turn on the TV immediately: "One of the sickest terrorist attacks ever has just happened... they've crashed an airplane into the World Trade Center!!!" As the screen came on, the second plane had literally just hit the WTC south tower a few seconds earlier and there was complete pandemonium on the news media. I was glued to the TV for the remainder of the day, the rest is history...

P.S. BTW, my student landed safely, unaware of what was going on (until he was safely on the ground and dispatch told him). He did mention that ATC was "particularily accomodating" that morning vectoring him in for a short approach. (Something that never happens in KDAB on busy weekday mornings).

P.P.S. I still have the ATIS recorded (mp3) from KDAB, issued sometime after the second tower was hit. It transcribes as follows:
"Daytona Beach International Airport, information Echo. All aircraft be advised, nation wide alert. All airports are closed. There will be no departures out of Daytona Beach International Airport. Airport and weather information will be issued by the tower or approach control. Advice on initial contact that you have, information Echo."
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Post by Convertible » Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:22 am

I will be remembering 9/11 at the Air Force Academy with my family as we support the troops and remember those killed on that fateful day. We will also enjoy watching the football game, and participating in a remembrance ceremony as part of the pre-game show. They will also have on the big screen during the game video clips of that day.

I too remember that day. I stayed home from work that day and was watching the news and rocking with my new born son when breaking news came on showing what had just happened. I sat there all morning riveted to what was going on. It definitely was a day I will never forget. I will post my flag of remembrance on my home first thing Saturday morning with my boys.

May God bless you all for your service and support and let's pray for those who still grieve the loss of loved ones. May our soldiers be protected in their assignments and return home safe!!! May those wounded in defense of our rights recover and be made whole!! God Bless!!!
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Post by Ells » Sat Sep 11, 2010 2:53 am

I was working in central London when one of the guys in the company next door came running in and said come and watch the news.
Just as I walked into their room I saw the first tower that was hit and couldn't believe my eyes. Then the second, and then the falls of the towers. I can still picture it today with tears running down my face.
I worked with a lot of Americans then and I think everyone was in tears, us Brits and the guys I worked with.
And then the frantic phone calls to family back home in the US when the cell phone network had shut down.

Then pretty much the whole of London shut down, all flights re-routed away form Heathrow and City airport, all of the taller buildings (including ours) were evacuated and we were sent home.
Police bursting through the doors shouting get out, get out and I have never run down 38 flights of stairs so quickly.
Scariest day of my life so far in 37years.
We just all went to the local park and sat in silence not knowing what to do listening to the radio.

And then July 7 hit us, they day after they announced we had won hosting the 2012 Olympics.
I was lucky not to be in London that day.

I am proud to say that I am now working on the London 2012 Olympic Athletes Village, from the start until the finish up to the games.
That was my promise on that fateful day here in the UK.

Rest in peace my brothers and sisters!

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Post by Beaker » Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:29 am

Convertible wrote:I will be remembering 9/11 at the Air Force Academy with my family as we support the troops and remember those killed on that fateful day. We will also enjoy watching the football game, and participating in a remembrance ceremony as part of the pre-game show. They will also have on the big screen during the game video clips of that day.
Enjoy the game, Convertible. I'll be looking for a flyover, and I hope it's as loud as possible. One day of the year I hope no one will complain.
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Post by Cobra » Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:19 am

I was on a four day trip. Our major competitor Ansett, was on the ropes and as we taxied out on the 11th (one day ahead in OZ) I wondered aloud if Ansett would still be around at the end of the trip.

That night I was flicking through the TV channels in a hotel and caught the first reports. Not ever having seen the WTC in real life, when they showed the first pictures it looked as if it actually could have been a light aircraft.

Then we saw the second one go in and everything changed.

Flying around the next day was surreal. Everyone was in shock and I had to comfort one of the flight attendants who witnessed two Arab passengers having an animated discussion and she lost it.

Every time the flight deck door opened I got a funny feeling that maybe we were next. (Paranoid though that seems now).

The day after that... Ansett died and we had thousands of stranded passengers around the country. Every domestic flight for months after was full and that is why Qantas was the only airline in the world to make a profit in the next year... but 16000 people were out of work.

The stock market was in free fall... it was a unforgettable week...
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Post by Convertible » Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:49 am

Beaker wrote:
Convertible wrote:I will be remembering 9/11 at the Air Force Academy with my family as we support the troops and remember those killed on that fateful day. We will also enjoy watching the football game, and participating in a remembrance ceremony as part of the pre-game show. They will also have on the big screen during the game video clips of that day.
Enjoy the game, Convertible. I'll be looking for a flyover, and I hope it's as loud as possible. One day of the year I hope no one will complain.
It was a great game. The fly over rocked and was very loud. F22 and F15 in formation. They kicked in afterburners after going over the stadium. They rolled out a huge flag at halftime and had everyone sing "God Bless America". Very moving. It was a great day and the game wasn't bad either. AF 35 BYU 14. Air Force dominated the game from the 2nd Quarter on.
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