Track IR Update and BF2

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Track IR Update and BF2

Post by Sinister » Fri Oct 14, 2005 10:44 pm

Not sure how many of you have Track IR, but it was something i have been bitching and moaning about for quite some time.. now its here..

Im sure you know that if you hold CNTRL or whatever button you have for the Mouse look when in a vehicle.. its a pain in the ass to try to do this while flying a Chopper or Jet.., having to take your hands off the controls to move the mouse to look around the terrain for troops or threats...

Well now with the new TRACKIR update it has a Mouse Emulation ..
I have set up my stick to have the HAT DOWN to toggle my TrackIR on and off .. Once its on i use the mouse button on my throttle to engage my MOUSE LOOK and just move my head around to look around the cockpit..

you will have to set the sensitivity really really low.. because it whips your head around really fast..

if you need any help with setting this up .. let me know... but yeah its helps with the COBRA and BlackHawk ALOT!!

So now you can look around to make sure you dont hit any buildings or anything while hovering.. Now, the only draw back is that once you engage the MOUSE LOOK, you dont have any control over the aircraft.. so only do it when in a hover or slow forward movement...
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