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One for the Meteorologists!

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:13 am
by Cobra
I was flying into Tokyo a couple of days ago and the weather was as nice as I have seen for some time. I snapped the following photos of an interesting cloud phenomenon that I have not seen before.

The photos are of some volcanic islands to the south of Tokyo. We are on descent as I took them. You can see the low level cloud bending around the islands. Very interesting (if you are into that sort of thing).

In a couple of the photos, you can see a faint cone in the distance on the mainland, it's Mount Fuji. Photos are from my iPhone so not hi res... wish I had a 7 or 8 MP camera with me at the time but this is nice enough anyway. Wish I could have taken more but we became busy with the descent into Narita.

Anyway... Enjoy.






Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:56 am
by Rhino
I'd have to assume there is active magma flowing under there then. Warmer ground than air creates fog, and I would guess this would be the same phenomenon, just amplified a bunch due to the higher difference in temp.

Cool pix btw!

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:59 am
by Cobra
Interesting theory... didn't think of that! I am not sure if the volcanoes are active though. The craters look spectacular however. I can check to see if they are active.

Edit: It is called Miyake-jima and it is active. The one to the right is called Kozu-Zima and it is also active.

Footnote: The location of these volcanoes marks the confluence of three undersea tectonic plates. One day, these plates are going to let go with predicted dire consequences for Tokyo in the form of a massive earthquake and tsunami. Maybe I better stop bidding to go there?!

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:19 am
by Tailhook
Definitely second what Rhino said. Sweet pictures too! 8)

@Cobra- Japan is engulfed in the Pacific Ring of Fire, just about the whole place is active. ;)