Search found 7 matches

by Arrow
Fri Apr 22, 2022 10:51 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: [2022-04-22] New Virtual Thunderbird Selected - Kujo
Replies: 0
Views: 31588

[2022-04-22] New Virtual Thunderbird Selected - Kujo

With great pleasure and privilege, I'd like to announce the patching of our newest member. Please join us in welcoming Daniel "Kujo" Kaleikini to the team. Kujo (Knobs to us), formerly of the Virtual Blue Spectres and the Virtual Black Knights has been a rising star for many years. His unique vision...
by Arrow
Sun Aug 04, 2019 3:46 am
Forum: Announcements
Topic: [2019-08-03] New Virtual Thunderbird Selected - Bingo
Replies: 0
Views: 18403

[2019-08-03] New Virtual Thunderbird Selected - Bingo

The Virtual Thunderbirds are pleased to announce the "patching" of our newest member. He has been a well known participant on the virtual airshow scene for over a decade. He is mostly known for his tenure as the founding member and leader of the Virtual Black Diamond Jet Team (VBDJT) but has been an...
by Arrow
Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:38 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: [2018-08-01] New Virtual Thunderbirds Selected - Buttski & Samoht
Replies: 1
Views: 15279

[2018-08-01] New Virtual Thunderbirds Selected - Buttski & Samoht

It is my privilege to announce the two newest members of the Virtual Thunderbirds! I'd like to welcome Corey "Buttski" Prefontaine, and Thomas "Samoht" Dye to the team. Seasoned veterans within the virtual aerobatics community and former members of the Virtual Vulture Jet Team, each of them bring ye...
by Arrow
Sun Jul 15, 2018 6:38 pm
Forum: USAF Thunderbirds Discussion
Topic: Thunderbird Air Show Music
Replies: 177
Views: 609877

Re: Thunderbird Air Show Music

I would like to send a giant shout out to Kujo for sending us the cut music from the 2018 demonstration. I've flown around with Kujo on the AO for the past week and I have to say that, until now, I haven't seen someone so young conduct themselves in such a competent and professional manner. It's qui...
by Arrow
Tue May 22, 2018 3:40 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Good site to keep an eye on GPU Pricing
Replies: 0
Views: 69041

Good site to keep an eye on GPU Pricing

I use a web site called "now in stock" to keep an eye on the pricing and availability of certain items. It can be used for many things, but I have shortcuts saved for NVIDIA cards specifically. The URL is below. P.S. You can use it for many items, but this is a hot one.
by Arrow
Sat Apr 07, 2018 9:57 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: [2018-04-04] New Virtual Thunderbird Selected - Arrow
Replies: 5
Views: 17086

Re: [2018-04-05] New Virtual Thunderbird Selected - Arrow

Redeye wrote:
Fri Apr 06, 2018 1:14 pm
I'm glad that all my efforts to make you a better pilot has paid off. :grin:
Well Red, it's true though, your patience coupled with my tenacity was just the right mix. Thanks for putting up with my relentless pestering. Thanks again for all the flight time!
by Arrow
Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:04 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: [2018-04-04] New Virtual Thunderbird Selected - Arrow
Replies: 5
Views: 17086

Re: [2018-04-05] New Virtual Thunderbird Selected - Arrow

Thanks Hook, Couldn't be happier to be here!